UNRAVELING a life that works
with Christi and Natalie
A show dedicated to the untangling of life through real experiences. Through hard work, heart work, and A LOT of Jesus, Christi and Natalie have learned that life is best lived when you’re able to unravel life one mess at a time.
All Episodes
This is how we make life work when trying to establish boundaries. Whether it’s with friends, coworkers or family, how do we heed the same advice that we might lend to others? Is our happiness being sacrificed to keep others happy?
Finding Balance in life is kinda laughable!
Christ sits down to talk about BALANCE…what is it? how do we attain it? DO we attain it? And how can we reframe the phrase of BALANCE?
This is how we make life work when we want to go from surviving during the holiday season to THRIVING! Natalie sits down with Dr. Desire Taylor to dissect all things during this time of year.
This is how we make life work when we untangle the Christmas season. How do we focus more on Presence over Presents? Is it even possible?
We don’t have the answers and know the ‘how tos’ for it all BUT let’s have a living room chat and see what comes up.
This is how we make life work when we UNmask! Are we sharing the REELs of our lives or the REAL lives we lead?
We know that all of us would rather share that highlight reel as we seek to avoid insecurity, but what does that lead to? Envy, comparison and a spiral of mental health. But what do we do?
This is how we make life work when tragedy strikes! We believe that God places us in the EXACT places we are supposed to be at all times…good, bad and ugly. As a Breast Cancer Survivor, Natalie knows that her responsibility is to now pay it forward! But how??
This is how we make life work through a bit of rest. Let’s face it, neither of us are real ‘restful’ souls, so this is a really hard subject for us. But we also realize that there is renewal amongst the rest that we allow ourselves.
This is how we make life work when we make it through summer and kids are back to school! Sure, we have bumps and bruises but we made it y’all. Join us as we discuss all things surviving this time of year!
This is how we make life work when the honeymoon of summer comes to an end. Our patience is running thin, the kids are restless and we are craving routine. We give our strategies on keeping our mental health on point so that we can be better for everyone around us and feel like we have finished well.
This is how we make life work when planning summer travel! Natalie sits down to talk with Dori Reuber of Vincent Vacations to learn some common misconceptions and her top travel tips.