UNRAVELING a life that works
with Christi and Natalie
A show dedicated to the untangling of life through real experiences. Through hard work, heart work, and A LOT of Jesus, Christi and Natalie have learned that life is best lived when you’re able to unravel life one mess at a time.
All Episodes
This is how we make life work from a teacher’s perspective.
We’ve always known it takes a village to make life work, but we’ve never SEEN it put into action as much as we have now. Our teacher friends shared with us some touching and realistic strategies that we hope will encourage you on this new venture.
This is how we make life work with our friend, Jenny Dean!
Jenny is a mother of two beautiful children. Balancing her family life and career can be challenging at times, but she believes that time for yourself and your health is important!
This is how we make life work during a crazy time.
Christi and Natalie discuss their strategies to help make life work NOW! We want to set ourselves up for success for each adversity that comes our way and help find strength in the struggle.
Here’s how we make life work with Christi Reid!
Christi is the founder of The Dig and co-host of LifeWork: The Podcast. Through her experiences, she has had to learn how to dig in and rise up! Hear more about her purpose behind this and see how you too can apply this to make life work.
Here’s how we make life work with Natalie Tuman!
Natalie is the face behind My Think Fit, Inc. and the co-host of LifeWork: The Podcast. Get to know her a bit better as you get a behind-the-scenes listen on how her journey has changed her outlook.
Here’s how we make life work when we start a podcast!
What do you do when you hear those small ‘God whispers’? Will you listen or keep putting it off? Let’s talk about what those whispers did for us and what it lead to!
Introducing LifeWork:The Podcast with hosts Christi Reid and Natalie Tuman. A show dedicated to the untangling of life through REAL experiences.